
Kg Ayer excursion

Went of a Kg Ayer excursion last Friday with my sis, Kid and Koyama-san from Japan. It was his fifth trip to Brunei but only his second time to Kg Ayer. I decided to tag along coz I figured it would be good camera fodder. Being thrown about the boat didn't help the number of keepers I had but thankfully some of them turned out to be pretty decent. I was just bummed that we didn't have time to go 'round some of the houses...Below are some of the pics

1/400 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400

1/400 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400

I was pretty happy and surprised with how this one turned out. We were speeding along down the river when I saw these guys getting ready to cast the net. I didn't have time to tell the driver to slow down (coz I was at the front of the boat) so I just let off a burst of images. I didn't even have my eye on the viewfinder when I took this particular picture. Well pleased!

1/200 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400 Cir-polarizer attached

Brunei's very own "The Rock"! I'm sure most people will know the story behind this but for those who don't let's just say it pays to be respectful to your elders..otherwise you might just get "stoned" :p

1/400 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400 Cir-polarizer attached

It was fortunate that all three of these dudes turned and faced our boat as we were passing by them. They must've been on their way to do some repairs on a house or something coz you can see them carrying some building supplies.

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