Went to document the President's Cup softball tourney again yesterday with airbiscuit and Souljah. Some of the pictures from yesterday's GoDivas vs Wildcats and Black Arrows vs Steelers softball images are up and can be found here. Again, should anyone be interested in purchasing any prints can e-mail me here Note: Poor images quality on screen could be due to image compression for web-publishing.
BIFC brochure for Dubai

An interesting update here. I was contacted a while back from someone at the Brunei International Financial Center (BIFC) asking permission to use one of my images for their brochure that they want to use for their roadshow in Dubai sometime this year. According to them, they will be running around 1500 copies of the brochures, at least. Who would have thought, eh?
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9:05 AM
On-line gallery
As most of you may notice, I have added a new link in the sidebar dubbed "On-Line Gallery". This is my bruneiforever gallery and will upload a significant portion of the images here since it allows me to create albums and organize the images according to specific events or categories. Anyone interested in purchasing any of the pictures can email me here. On that note, some of the pictures from last Sunday's softball event in Jerudong are up. I will post up more as they become available. I should also say that if the image quality seems a bit funky, this is because of the file compression for web-publishing in order to save on space and bandwidth. Laters peeps!
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7:54 AM
First outing with the guys
It was a really fun day today being it my first outing with the guys. Meeting the likes of airbiscuit, bruneian, ucingitam, aku and artyeo among others (there were more but saya lupa lerr...sorry!). This was my first experience trying action shooting and I have to say this is one area where the d80 comes short. However, regardless of this, it was a pretty memorable day and some of the pictures turned out nice. Thanks for the tips guys and hope we get to do it again soon guys!

1/1250 sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 400

1/400 sec @ f/5.6 | ISO 200

1/2000 @ f/5.6 | ISO 400

1/125 sec @ f5 | ISO 400

1/640 sec @ f/4.5 | ISO 200
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8:18 PM
Jame Asr
Having bought a new Lowepro Computrekker AW last week, I decided I'd get a feel for how it feels loaded with cam gear and tripod (!). I decided to go for a walk-about on the grounds of the Jame mosque. When doing architecture and landscape work, I need to have my tripod with me but with my "old" Lowepro Nova 5, it was a b***t!. The backpack allows me to walk around with the tripod strapped to the bag leaving my hands free. Consequently, is anyone interested in a 2 month old Lowepro Nova 5 for sale? ;-)
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9:31 AM
Kg Ayer excursion
Went of a Kg Ayer excursion last Friday with my sis, Kid and Koyama-san from Japan. It was his fifth trip to Brunei but only his second time to Kg Ayer. I decided to tag along coz I figured it would be good camera fodder. Being thrown about the boat didn't help the number of keepers I had but thankfully some of them turned out to be pretty decent. I was just bummed that we didn't have time to go 'round some of the houses...Below are some of the pics

I was pretty happy and surprised with how this one turned out. We were speeding along down the river when I saw these guys getting ready to cast the net. I didn't have time to tell the driver to slow down (coz I was at the front of the boat) so I just let off a burst of images. I didn't even have my eye on the viewfinder when I took this particular picture. Well pleased!

1/200 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400 Cir-polarizer attached
Brunei's very own "The Rock"! I'm sure most people will know the story behind this but for those who don't let's just say it pays to be respectful to your elders..otherwise you might just get "stoned" :p

1/400 sec @ f/8 | ISO 400 Cir-polarizer attached
It was fortunate that all three of these dudes turned and faced our boat as we were passing by them. They must've been on their way to do some repairs on a house or something coz you can see them carrying some building supplies.
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11:13 AM
Lil' Hub cafe
Lil hub cafe opened up on the 1st of April this year. Located on the 2nd floor of Seri Qlap Mall in Kiulap (same floor where you buy the movie tickets), it has a nice ambiance to it. Given that it just opened up, the menu offers a pretty decent choice. The nasi lemak is especially excellent! :) Along with the obligatory wi-fi connection, one can spend hours here without even realizing it. They hope to expand to the outside balcony soon (a godsend for us ciggie junkies!). Highly recommended if you're ever in the neighborhood...
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9:21 PM
Out and about in BSB...
Being absolutely bored last nite (what else is new..?), I decided to venture out with my camera. Hopped in my car with no specific destination in mind. I forgot how I ended up in BSB but I did. Never regretted it one bit. I remember driving past the clock-tower a seeing the first shot below in the corner of my eye. Slammed on my brakes and dove into the TAIB parking lot. The first two below are the two I liked the most from the 10 mins there.
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1:49 PM
Dream kit...
I was posed an interesting question today at work by a colleague of mine. We were both looking into my camera bag when I was asked "If money weren't an issue, which lens or lenses would I go for." I thought about it for a while and gave the following three as my ideal dream kit...

From left to right: 12-24mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor, 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED-IF AF-S VR DX Zoom-Nikkor and 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor
I decided on these three based mainly on the subjects that I like shooting the most - landscapes and abstracts. But at over $1500 for each of them (!), its gonna be a long while before I do manage to get them into my bag. Oh well...one can only dream...*sigh*
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12:49 PM
Yum! Yum!
What they say:
What's a "Krispy Kreme?"
When people talk about a Krispy Kreme doughnut, they're usually referring to our signature treat: the Original Glazed. Made from a recipe dating back to the 1930s, our Original Glazed doughnuts have helped set us apart. And if you haven't had an Original Glazed HOT off the line, you need to try one!
What I say:
THE BEST THING EVER! Ok! Ok! So I may exaggerate just a tad bit..
You may be saying..."what a weirdo!" Getting all excited over a baked good does make me feel a bit domesticised... a veritable big girl's blouse, if you must. But calling them "just doughnuts" is like saying a Ferrari Enzo's "just another car" or Tiger Woods "just another golfer" or or or..(well you get the point, rite?) These things are the tastiest things I've ever...errr...tasted? Honestly tho...when the first batch that my sis bought for me from Manila ran out, I was started to feel the shakes from the withdrawal. So it was a nice surprise that Kid was kind enough to get a another dozen (Yes, that's rite..A WHOLE DOZEN) for me from his UK trip. Its a good thing there isn't a Krispy Kreme her in Brunei (yet!), otherwise I'd look like Homer Simpson in not time flat. God knows I've already got the receding hairline..! Ugh!
What's a "Krispy Kreme?"
When people talk about a Krispy Kreme doughnut, they're usually referring to our signature treat: the Original Glazed. Made from a recipe dating back to the 1930s, our Original Glazed doughnuts have helped set us apart. And if you haven't had an Original Glazed HOT off the line, you need to try one!
What I say:
THE BEST THING EVER! Ok! Ok! So I may exaggerate just a tad bit..
You may be saying..."what a weirdo!" Getting all excited over a baked good does make me feel a bit domesticised... a veritable big girl's blouse, if you must. But calling them "just doughnuts" is like saying a Ferrari Enzo's "just another car" or Tiger Woods "just another golfer" or or or..(well you get the point, rite?) These things are the tastiest things I've ever...errr...tasted? Honestly tho...when the first batch that my sis bought for me from Manila ran out, I was started to feel the shakes from the withdrawal. So it was a nice surprise that Kid was kind enough to get a another dozen (Yes, that's rite..A WHOLE DOZEN) for me from his UK trip. Its a good thing there isn't a Krispy Kreme her in Brunei (yet!), otherwise I'd look like Homer Simpson in not time flat. God knows I've already got the receding hairline..! Ugh!
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9:44 AM
So, where are the pictures?
Just for reference, a majority of the pictures that I have (the ones that I think are decent enough for public display) will be on my flickr page. I find that its much easier to organize them on flickr so just click on the link you see on the left for the pictures...
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3:33 PM
PC Fair at the Mall
Another month, another PC fair at the mall. I wonder if its worth going to THIS ONE...? I do have the urge to get an external hard drive tho...need a place to store my pics externally. The rate at which Im running out of space on my laptop is ridiculous! But every time I leave one of these fairs at the mall, I cant help but feel disappointed. Such high expectations but consistently fails to deliver. No ebay-esque bargains here then...Admittedly, I do come across some good bargains once in a while. It was at one of these that I managed to buy "branded" (what ever the hell that means!) SD cards. $40 for a 2gig card. A steal IMHO considering the Sandisk Ultra IIIs that I bought were around $120 each(!). Good for backup in case 4GBs isnt enuff...! &)(#@&$^@)@
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10:45 AM
A new start
Ok...so i've finally succeeded in setting up a blog after many "failed attempts" in the past. "Failed" because I was always too lazy in the past and never got around to doing it. Im such a procrastinator! Now there's a mouthful...
What is the point of this blog, you may ask. Well...to be honest...it doesnt have one. Ever since I bought my d80 a couple of months ago, I've been taking millions of pictures just learning to get to grips with it. Surprisingly, some of them actually turned out be quite decent(!) so I've decided that I'd share some of them with you. Hope the 5 of you that DO actually read this blog will actually like them as well.
Laters then, people! Ta!
What is the point of this blog, you may ask. Well...to be honest...it doesnt have one. Ever since I bought my d80 a couple of months ago, I've been taking millions of pictures just learning to get to grips with it. Surprisingly, some of them actually turned out be quite decent(!) so I've decided that I'd share some of them with you. Hope the 5 of you that DO actually read this blog will actually like them as well.
Laters then, people! Ta!
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9:43 AM
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